46 Solution Principles to help uncover innovative solutions
The 46 solution principles of TRIZ offer a treasure trove of inventive strategies to tackle problems and inspire innovative solutions. We are very happy to finally announce our conflict thinking approach to these principles. You can now buy them in our shop in the form of laminated DIN A4 cards.
Where do they come from?
As you might know, one of the key aspects of the Theory of Inventive Problem Solving (TRIZ) is the use of a set of 40 solution principles plus 4 separation principles, which are derived from the patterns found in successful inventions. In the current discourse another 2 principles have been added which can be used when the separation principles do not help. These principles provide guidance and inspiration for generating innovative solutions to many tricky problems – especially in the field of technology. By adding our conflict thinking twist to them we ensure that you cannot only tackle technical problems with these, but they will inspire problem solving for any kind of challenge.

What can you do with them?
After playing our Game of Conflicts you will have identified the most relevant conflicts which need to be resolved to come to a solution for the problem at hand. With the new 46 principle cards you now can directly start going into solution finding. Look at the TRIZ Matrix 2010. It will give you a hint, which solution principles might work for your conflicting parameters. Take out the respective cards and voilá: the ideas will fly!

Different packages available in our shop
You can buy them separately as well as in a practical package together with the Game of Conflicts and the Matrix 2010.